22 days of Yoga, Yoga tunes, Recipes (Plant Based or Paleo), Supporting Ted Talks, Health Hacks and Sound Healing to help you improve immunity and take the first steps towards a dis-ease free life.

Sian has created a 22 day program to help you enjoy better energy, stronger immunity, and long lasting great health.

She has a degree in Psychology and a Certificate in Holistic Health and Nutrition. She is a Yoga Alliance yoga instructor, with an additional 100 hours specialising in the anatomy, physiology and neuroscience behind Yin yoga. She has worked on-one-one with clients for 5 years as a Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach, helping them heal themselves from such chronic issues as eczema, CFS, diverticulitis, IBS, anxiety, depression, weight loss, insomnia, post concussion issues, and much much more. She also created the series 'Yoga for Snowlegs' with Whitelines, and works with past and future Olympians to help them use their mind body connection to their advantage both on and off the slopes.

She is passionate about health and especially helping your body strengthen to fight whatever may be lurking around the corner.

Siâns program has changed my life. I started it when I was recovering from Covoid-19, hoping to boost my immunity and help my body re-strengthen. Her recipes were so tasty and easy to cook. The yoga was perfect for an every day practice, and the health hacks brought in a sense of humour and just made me aware that it's actually really easy to be healthier! The value for money is incredible, 22 days of Sian's yoga classes alone is worth an extra zero on the cost! I cannot recommend this programme highly enough.

Daily Health Hack

Daily hacks to help you with the mental and physical changes taking place

Daily Yoga
Progressive Yoga

Daily yoga alternating between restorative and energising

Daily Recipes - Choose whether you go plant based or paleo
Gut healing anti-inflammatory recipes
Easy recipes and shopping lists to suit individuals and families

Yoga Tunes

Appropriate tunes to help you switch off that monkey mind and totally be present in your yoga practice

Supporting Ted Talks

Daily support from Ted Talks

These talks enable your understanding of the changes taking place in your body

Sound healing and PTSD support

Links to sound healing to help your subconscious accept the changes your conscious is making and undo any

Try this sample yoga video from mid-course. We gradually build up strength and flexibility and that mind body connection.

Each day alternates between restorative and energizing, so as you progress you can choose according to how you feel.