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22 Days to Healthy - Includes Organic Meat
22 Days to Healthy - Paleo Style
Introduction (including Health Hack summary) (2:25)
Health Hack (Chicken Stock) & Yoga (Short introduction to Sun Salutation) (19:51)
Yoga Tunes
Weekly Menu
Weekly Shopping List
Treats and Snacks
Breakfast and Smoothies
Day 1 Dinner
Sound Healing - is it more than hippy dippy nonsense
TED Talk - what makes you happy?
Immunity Boosting Suggested Supplements
Sirvasana - Guided Relaxation
Why Chicken Stock?
Day 2
Health Hack (Alcohol) & Yoga (Neck and Shoulders) (27:09)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Mark Hyman - What you do with your fork impacts everything
Day 3
Health Hack (Cold Water Submersion) (1:33)
Yoga (Gentle mind body connection) (47:24)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Change your mindset, change the game
Day 4
Health Hack (Apple Cider Vinegar) (0:55)
Yoga (Energising Outside Flow) (35:12)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - This could be why you are depressed or anxious
Day 5
Health Hack (Fats & Oils) (1:03)
Yoga (Short Vinyasa Flow) (35:10)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The Happy Secret to Better Work
Day 6
Health Hack (Water is your friend) (0:56)
Yoga (Short Core Awakener) (28:26)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Foods that heal your brain
Day 7
Health Hack (Soak your nuts love your guts) & Yoga (Quads,Hips & Hamstrings) (64:32)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Mindfulness
Day 8
Health Hack (Legs up the wall) (1:30)
Yoga (Short Sun Salutation Series) (32:18)
Weekly Shopping List
Weekly Menu
Treats and Snacks
Breakfast and Smoothies
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - How to motivate yourself to change your behaviour
Yoga Nidra - guided meditation to help with sleep
Day 9
Health Hack (Movement in day to day life)) (0:54)
Yoga (Gentle Detoxifier) (39:17)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Natures Beauty
Day 10
Health Hack (Smoothies) (1:24)
Yoga (Long Cardio Vinyasa Flow) (56:04)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The power of vulnerability
Day 11
Health Hack (Natural Products) (0:57)
Yoga (Gentle Restorative) (36:13)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The habits of happiness
Day 12
Health Hack (Educate yourself) (1:15)
Yoga (Short Energizing Vinyasa) (30:42)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - What's really making you fat
Day 13
Health Hack (PH of your gut) (1:22)
Yoga (Seated / Lying Hatha) (50:26)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - How to shift your mindset
Day 14
Health Hack (Thai Curry Paste) (1:36)
Yoga (Balance) (51:04)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - How your belly controls your brain
Day 15
Health Hack (Chicken Broth) (1:30)
Yoga (Energising Vinyasa Flow) (43:47)
Weekly Menu
Weekly Shopping List
Breakfast & Smoothies
Sweet treats
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The Secret to Self Control
Sound Healing PTSD
Day 16
Health Hack (Coffee) (1:30)
Yoga (Seated / Lying Vinyasa Flow) (34:51)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The secret to great relationships
Day 17
Health Hack (Constipation) (1:38)
Yoga (Hard Vinyasa Flow) (55:09)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - How not to take things personally
Day 18
Health Hack (Frozen Veggies) (0:39)
Yoga (Medium Vinyasa Flow) (39:59)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - The secret of becoming mentally strong
Day 19
Health Hack (Greens) (1:03)
Yoga (Relaxing Hatha) (40:41)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Body Language
Day 20
Health Hack (Belly Breathing) (1:11)
Yoga (Strengthening Vinyasa) (46:11)
Yoga Tunes
Ted Talk - Sleep is your super power
Day 21
Health Hack (Mindfulness) (1:25)
Yoga (Energising Vinyasa) (48:59)
Ted Talk - The Secret to Self Control
Day 22
Health Hack (Alcohol!) (1:09)
Yoga (Intense Vinyasa Flow) (64:52)
Why you could be depressed or anxious
Yoga (Energising Outside Flow)
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